viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017

Statement: Specific time and place determines the social and cultural construction of identity boundaries.

Interdisciplinary Unit

Along the unit, we have learned concepts related to the latin identity, our miscegenation, the colonial tourism and our past. The objective was accomplished successfully, it says: demonstrate if a specific time and place can determine the social and cultural construction of the identity boundaries.

The statement is true because all of the events and perspectives change according to a community's location and period of time. The fact previously mentioned can be evidenced in the act of comparison, for instance: between a problematic country and a peaceful one. The problematic country lives daily conflicts; so, the conflicts seem normal. However, the conflicts in the peaceful country,  seem severe and abnormal.
Likewise, thanks to the concept of identity a place and culture can be identified. And  as a result, an identity is different and unique in the perspective of the world, and united in a specific time and place.
Additionally, the past always shapes the present and the identity. For instance, Latin American government and communities did not solve or face the conflicts of violence and poverty from the beginning in the correct manner, and that is why the problems are bigger and worse today than in the past years.
Finally, the ridiculous ideas of superiority also influence our identity. The previous argument can be evidenced in the thoughts between countries and even continents. This can be seen in the situation of colonial tourism, which is based on the indifference, from Europe or other "more developed" continents to "inferior" continents like Latin America and Africa.

The unit has helped me to figure out who we are and what make us unique. Personally, it has helped me to express my ideas and thoughts through writing and reflecting methods. Besides, it has pushed me to know people before judging or generalizing about them.

The album reveals the understanding of the Latin American identity

The role of artistic manifestations in the construction of the social and cultural identity is very important thanks to the fact that they help us to express feelings and ideas through a unique meaningful way and with significative elements. Art is one of the best manners to construct the identity because it is an authentic way of expression.The creation of my cover helps and reveals the process of constructing and understanding our identity as members of Latin-American community because an artistic manifestation can shape and help to figure out the identity of someone. The album reveals the understanding of the Latin-American identity thanks to the fact that we represented a current conflict in the latin society, reflected our comprehension and demonstrates who we are as latinos through the cover.

My cover has taught me to accept and not to judge people, to approve and promote equality and to communicate my ideas through significant elements.
The artists I used to inspire my artwork are latinos: Adolfo Serra, Stinkfish and Alfredo Jaar. Basically, they are artists who communicate their own point of view of important elements in daily life, such as conflicts, perspectives and people’s personalities. My references support even more the fact that the cover created reveals the understanding of the Latin American identity thanks to their objective and point of view.
My artwork is based on the conflict of racism and each color represents something in it: gray represents the union; white represents light-skinned people; and black represents dark-skinned people.


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