lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

First draft of the statement


↬ Challenges and solutions:
During the interdisciplinary unit, in Art class I had some problems which challenged me. Some of them are:
↠ Not to use the sketchbook so much, to use the computer and technological devices as a notebook.
↠ I didn't know very well how to paint with watercolors, and I needed to do it due to the fact that I chose the Aquatint Printmaking Technique. However, I learned how to use water (small or big amount) in order to obtain the tone of the color I wanted.
↠ In order to make the sketches, I needed to have a detailed proposal. My first proposal was very general and useless. Although, thanks to a mind map I used to organize and create ideas, my second proposal was very detailed and clear.
↠ We had too much homework due to the fact that we had few Art classes to work in.

↬ Experiments and explorations:
Along the process of creation and developing ideas, I experimented and explored with watercolors, with printmaking techniques (aquatint), with the undirect messages an artwork can have and the elements which represent something meaningful.

↬ Intention:
The intention of my final artwork is to demonstrate how our past and the conflicts lived can shape and affect who we are, our self-confidence, identity and personality. Also, I will show how racism cause conflicts that affect our Latin American identity.

↬ Process:
1. Introduction to the unit.
2. Election of the three artistic references.
3. Creation of the two proposals.
4. Selection of one Intaglio Printmaking Technique ↣ Aquatint.
5. Production of the five sketches.
6. Start to make the final artwork.
7. Creation of the first draft of the statement.
8. We will finish the process of creating our cover.

↬ Connections:
↣ Three colors, from Adolfo Serra.
↣ Aesthetics and the way to communicate ideas, from Stinkfish.
↣ Way to transmit ideas, the use of colors according to the message and the concept of conflict ➹Racism➹, from Alfredo Jaar.

↬ Product:
My final product will be based on the conflict of racism. It will be represented through a flower with a gray sky background and will have the gray, white and black colors. Each color will represent an important element of racism. The white color represents the people with clear skin (whites), the black color represents the people with dark sikin (blacks), and the gray color represents the union that should exist between people of different races.

↬ Discoveries:
During this unit, I have discovered how conflict can shape and affect the Latin American identity. I also discovered that all artworks have their meaning and message, in a direct or undirect way, and have their own vision or point of view.

↬ Impact on the world:
With my product, I want to reflect how conflicts have defined and shaped our identity as latinos. The conflict I will use is the racism and I will represent how can the union between people of different races can be posible and beautiful.

↬ Critique:
I think my artwork is balanced, harmonic, have dark, dull and murky colors which help to the representation of elements in racism and to comunicate ideas. I could improve my usage of the technique in order to have a better result.
I think my classmates need more concentration and dedication to obtain a better artwork.

↬ Reflection:
Along the Art unit, I have learned how to express ideas and concepts in an undirect way, to express myself better, to use watercolors in the correct manner and printmaking techniques which can be done in plates.

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